Thursday 7 April 2011

the other side of the coin .....

As my popularpeace project was being approached from two separate angles , i have been communication better these last few days with the client . There was some problems there for a while with unrealistic outcomes etc , but now i think we are on he same wavelength ..... finger crossed !  

Heres some of the elements that he wants me to design for him :

An design previously discussed , he would like it to be used for the website , background . 
There is still some reworking to be done etc 


He also likes a earlier design for the identity , again its taking from some earlier produced work ; 

he is still tryin to make his mind up regarding these 3 samples : 

he may want the type repositioned etc , perhaps the colours on certain words . 

The next step is to design the visuals for him for a basic homepage , which will include the elements above 
After that , as the identity will be decided upon , i can use it to brand promotional materials etc for popularpeace,org . 

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