Monday 7 May 2012

and so it concludes....

As my work is in the "conclusion" stage, i though i better sum the project up.

The project for me didn't exactly go the way i planned if i was honest. I
 basically didn't end up with what my statement of intent had predicted. Although this happened
i am happy with the outcome of the project. In this kind of work i suppose there are
alot twists and turns in the road to conclusion, it keeps it interesting i suppose.

The project ran out of steam, owning alot to the fact that organisation itself,,
hadn't as much information to go on as it first promised. As it is a new organisation, perhaps there is
not enough for a project to evolve around. I had to fictionalize alot of the project, which worked in some ways, but in others left me with alot of decisions to make.

Overall all the research and work i have included in my blog, (and the rest that has not made it up, BUT IS THERE :) ) ... i am pleased with. The project was fun got me thinking and working with and for a client was great and really beneficial. I hope my blog, development work and final pieces reflect the thinking behind the project and represent the organisation well.


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