Monday 7 March 2011

peace has been restored ?

after my meeting with padraic on thursday last . I calmed down ALOT ! I felt i had gotten weighed down by the for the client , aspect of my project and not the , marks for my degree side :

I got alot from the meeting , and im currently redeveloping a nice concept liked by both me and padraic :

For thurdsdays tutorial i hope to have a great deal to show , my developing to have commenced to final stages , as i believe i need to get the final logo completed by next week . The concept sheets are looking well , i do my best thinking on paper ! Research is sketchy at the minute , my branding research etc is going well im currently filling up my to sketch books ( small and  big ) with ideas , vector concepts and research from the internet etc , but the research book i had on the countries and info on popular peace is scarce . I believe this is because of the nature of the organisation . is only a name at present , and there fore there is no great deal of information surrounding it : Trying to get info is proving diffucult : something ill discuss at the next meeting perhaps .

Just an update as to were im at now :)

oh heres a few links i found ext useful for research etc !

20 Fish Inspired Logos

45 Animal Inspired Logo Designs

8 Bits Of Perfect Geometry In Classic Logos – Inspiration Bit

Serif typefaces for graphic designers - Graphic designer Andrew Keir

interesting take on animal inspired logos , etc , as discussed in last weeks meeting :
also some really nice ( the better ) examples of serif typography :

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