Wednesday 23 February 2011


Needing inspiration i happened to stumble across :

Its got some really interesting tips and a great portfolio of work of which i have shown some of my faves below :
Rosehip Organics

I like the type used in this logo , I love the use of the designed rose for the " o " in rose : I also love the simplicity of it all , the slant of the " s " is effective to :
Aquascape Aquarium

With this logo , im not pushed on the positioning of the image : although i do like it , the colouring and the soft lines : The type however is lovely , i think it works incredibly well , i like to use softer thiner fonts , i also like to type alot in capitals Shouts Statement i think ! 

365 To me is a prime example of well used type : the bold approach to this logo concept is correct i believe : I think that a thiner type may not have worked well and with the 4 simple blocks of color i think this logo is effortlessly simple and easy on the eye !

Windmill Web

Were Aquascape failed on the postitioning of its image ( in my opinion anyway ) windmill web has came out tops ! Mite be something personal , i just feel it looks more comfortable on this side : The type i feel is nice , it sits well and the diff between the bold and normal is nice ,  a really nice brand 

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